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Our Advice For Choosing The Right Private Investigator

Our Advice For Choosing The Right Private Investigator

Choosing The Right Private Investigator

The Right Private Investigator For You

Private citizens and businesses utilize various services offered by private investigators. Our advice for choosing the right private investigator is simple, provided you follow certain steps. Private investigators in New York State must meet specific criteria and pass a state exam to receive a professional license. This professional license permits them to transact business as a private investigator. The majority of investigators have backgrounds in law enforcement or insurance fraud within a “special Investigations” or “claims investigation” unit. A private investigator’s education, employment background and training are significant factors that can influence the potential outcome of a case.

What Does A Private Investigator Do?

A private investigator or private detective is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as, “a freelance detective who carries out investigations on behalf of private clients.” New York State has their definition (link below). Selecting the right private investigator does not have to be difficult.

NYS Link Definition of Private Investigator:

Why Choose OnyxSpear?

OnyxSpear, LLC operates as a special investigations service and information & intelligence research firm. New York State has licensed our company to “transact business as a Private Investigator.” However, we prefer the term “Special Investigator” instead of private investigator. OnyxSpear performs and operates in a traditional investigative manner, but integrates modern technology into every investigation. Combining contemporary analysis and review of evidence, facts, and information with abstract, “outside the box” thinking. Whether it’s “B2B” or individualized services, partnering with OnyxSpear, LLC will yield realistic and tangible results. We are the new breed of investigators.

OnyxSpear Applies Modern Technology

Technology is a critical tool used in the collection of evidence, facts, data, and information. OnyxSpear has privileged access to databases unavailable to the public. Additionally, we are highly skilled in conducting thorough and broad internet searches. These capabilities allow us to gather data and information on any subject or regarding any matter. Other technologies we employ include advanced optical recording equipment, audio capturing equipment, GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth tracking devices. OnyxSpear, LLC adheres to all federal and state laws governing the use of this equipment.

OnyxSpear Meticulously Reviews Case Merits

Reputable private investigators will ask you about the details of your case and what outcomes you expect. A case should have merit, be reasonable and legal to achieve positive outcomes. A competent investigator will review these details with you. In the event your case lacks certain criteria, the investigator should be forthcoming in explaining the reasons why they cannot take your case. False promises or misrepresentation of outcomes should never occur. Consultations are free. This is an important reason to choose OnyxSpear, LLC.


The private investigator handling your case must present a contract for services. A contract is a legally binding document. Moreover, it is proof of the service’s to be provided. And, their associated costs. The investigator should provide a written plan of action for the handling of your case, along with a plan of communication to keep you informed of events as they occur.


Below are quick and easy ways to verify information about a licensed private investigator. Some individuals claim to be private investigators, but are not. Never discuss a case or disclose personal information to a non-licensed private investigator. Therefore, always have a legally binding contract in place. An oversight of this nature can place you at risk for financial exploitation, blackmail, and potential illegal release of sensitive information.

Steps In Choosing The Right Private Investigator

  1. Visit: . Here you can check the license status of a business name or an individual’s name under private investigator. A private investigations business, like OnyxSpear, will appear with the effective date and the expiration date. However, the state no longer posts the “qualifying officer”. The “qualifying officer” is listed on their state issued identification card. Their license certificate must be displayed in the business office or be in the possession of the “qualifying officer”. The issued identification card will have a photograph of the license holder. (The above link will open a new window. You may check on the status of other state licensed professionals, i.e. alarm installers, home inspectors and security services).
  2. Call the NYS Consumer Protection agency to determine if any complaints have been filed. (800) 697-1220
  3. IMPORTANT: Call or meet with the private investigator directly and ask about their experience, education and work history. OnyxSpear offers “no cost” consultations, during which we will be happy to review our credentials and investigative experience.

Confidentiality & Privacy

All interactions between you and a private investigator are confidential and private. A subpoena or warrant are the only means by which a party, outside the contract, may legally obtain a client file or information related to a case. Follow our link regarding confidentiality and privacy.

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