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Expert Private Investigation Services Tailor Made For You

Commonly Held Viewpoint

A large portion of the public believes that private investigator’s operate in the shadows, wearing a Fedora and a loose fitting suit. Moreover, P.I.’s are probably former or current alcoholic’s and chain smoke. Some hear the word “private investigator” and envision Tom Selleck, Bruce Willis or Sherlock Holmes. Consequently, the public subconsciously pictures a private investigator through a Hollywood camera lense. In truth, 99.9% of the generally held beliefs about private investigators are false. However, as with everything, there are exceptions.

The Reality

General investigations are the bread and butter of private investigators. Investigations of this nature are requested more commonly by the public, attorneys and companies. These general investigations are a reflection of normal everyday life. For instance, many jobs require a background check. Married individuals divorce. Spouses cheat. People face criminal charges. One neighbor sues another neighbor. Someone steals money or forges a signature on a title. The vulnerable face abuse. A loved one goes missing. Private investigators are legitimate professionals who have years of experience and training in a variety of subjects.

Some investigations may be specialized. These areas include but are not limited to surveillance, counter-surveillance, physical security assessments etc. OnyxSpear Special Investigations Service covers a variety of investigative subjects. We are highly proficient in conducting general investigations involving the subject matters highlighted above. All investigations are conducted with due diligence and integrity. Our clients can expect honest answers, even if the answers are not what they want to hear. OnyxSpear will never seek profit based on a client’s misfortune.

The owner and chief investigator of OnyxSpear, LLC is a member of and follows the ethical code set forth by the Associated Licensed Detectives of New York State (ALDONYS). See link below.

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