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Expert investigators need the best data and information

Professional investigators need the best data and information

Professional investigators rely on the best available data at a given time. Case outcomes are dependent in part on data that is accurate, source verified, relevant and timely. Data represents the building blocks of information, which in turn produces or is the basis of intelligence. OnyxSpear, LLC is highly proficient in data collection, information development and intelligence production in furtherance of investigations. 

Professional Investigators rely on data and information in pursuit of truth

As a New York State licensed private investigations firm, we are lawfully permitted to conduct both civil and criminal investigations. Consequently, our firm has access to databases considered to be restricted use or otherwise inaccessible to the general public. Law firms and similar entities use identical databases.

OnyxSpear is well-versed in modern technologies, their applications and uses. Specifically, we have the technical skill and means to search beyond the confines of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Understanding the blatant as well as the subtle differences between terms is an important first step. OnyxSpear harnesses Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) platforms in data collection operations. OSINT is particularly advantageous in locating surplus, important and unindexed data, sequestered from prying eyes. *This is not to be mistaken as hacking or any other criminal action by electronic or digital means*.

Our firm sees truth in the maxim fortuna favet menti paratae. Chance favors the prepared mind.

All local, state and federal laws are strictly adhered to in the collection of data, information and intelligence. Onyxspear, LLC respects and follows all rules, regulations and laws with regard to the right of privacy and confidentiality.

Professional Investigators produce intelligence

Data plays an important role in our daily lives. Indeed, nearly everyone has a device(s) on them or with them that collects vast sums of data. Desktops, laptops, tablets, pads and smart phones are the mediums by which we access the digital world. In this digital world, distance and time are no longer barriers that prevent people from connecting nor ideas from growing. Organized data equals information. Organized information produces intelligence. Exceptional intelligence is integral to positive outcomes or, conversely, integral in preparing for negative outcomes.

Professional investigators utilize applications

Applications or “apps” are software programs. Accordingly, the worldwide web has thousands of apps that collect all types of data. There are social media apps, financial apps, credit card apps, educational apps and geographical apps etc. For example, Google offers a variety of apps that work in conjunction with each other such as Gmail, Google maps, Google Fit, Google Chat, Google Business, Google Photo’s and Google Drive. Google applications acquire, aggregate and distribute all data that user’s have provided. Apps don’t have to be open or active in order to collect personal information such as locations, messages, conversations, fitness data, health data and even bank account data.

Google’s search engine allows individuals to perform advanced searches related to anything that can be thought of. Take it for a test spin when you have time and see what more you can find out about a subject, when compared to a basic search.

User data and information frequently strays beyond the border’s of apps and can be found floating around the web and/or internet. These data points include but are not limited to contemporary posts, deleted posts, pictures, group affiliations, memberships, email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers, false and derogatory information.

Continuously Connected

A large population of digital device owners maintain a continuous connection via an internet service provider (ISP) such as Frontier, AT&T, Verizon, Spectrum, Greenlight etc. In the third quarter of 2023, an estimated 94.6% of internet users connected online using smartphones. Nearly 73% of users connected online using a laptop or desktop computer. 85% of Americans access the internet daily of which 31% maintain a constant connection. Truth be told, any internet capable device that you have, will remain continuously connected to the internet until you manually disconnect it or turn your modem off.

Continuous connections, absent protective measures, allow for data leakage into the wild.

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