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Client confidentiality, rights and reasons for strong privacy

OnyxSpear Special Investigations: Corporate Policies

Client confidentiality, rights and expectations of privacy

Client confidentiality, rights and reasons for strong privacy. OnyxSpear, LLC strictly adheres to the principles of privacy and confidentiality in the performance of contracted services. OnyxSpear, LLC adheres to all ethical and legal codes, to protect the confidentiality and privacy of our clients. Additionally, we will protect and maintain the confidentiality of all case related information learned about the client or, the client’s family members, associates, acquaintances or any persons related to an investigation, during the course of providing contracted services to the client. Confidential information includes but is not limited to conversations, files, reports, notes, forms, correspondence, electronically captured and/or computer generated communications with, about or involving in any capacity, a client of OnyxSpear, LLC.

However, circumstances may arise that compel OnyxSpear, LLC to act in a manner contrary to a client’s expectation of privacy or confidentiality. OnyxSpear, LLC will honor and follow all court order’s or subpoena’s issued to us. Most important, if, during the course of an investigation, should OnyxSpear, LLC investigators, employees or owners become aware of a crime or, that a crime has taken place or, that a crime is imminent or about to occur or, should a crime occur in the presence of any investigator, employee or owner of OnyxSpear, LLC, we are obligated by law to report said crime to a law enforcement agency.

Information and Gathered Intelligence Rights

OnyxSpear, LLC reserves all rights and ownership of all client materials. And, shall include client materials gathered at the inception of, during the course of and upon conclusion of an investigation. Client case materials are held in perpetuity, subsequent to the conclusion of a contracted investigation. Materials include but are not limited to verbal and written statements, investigative documentation, case documentation, collected intelligence or information, internal company and client case files. Additionally, materials may include forms, written notes, recordings, proprietary company forms, any and all investigational and case material of any nature, whether written or recorded through the use of electronic or digital capturing devices designed to record, collect and store audio, video and photographic data.

Accordingly, the above materials may be shared with the client and shall be considered “limited.” And, may exclude any gathered, collected or obtained material deemed to be “not relevant” to the client’s specific case. Or, said material would jeopardize the privacy, safety and rights of specific individuals or entities. The owner of OnyxSpear, LLC shall be the designated arbiter. And, shall have sole discretion regarding the release of any and all materials related to a client’s case. Accordingly, OnyxSpear, LLC will comply with all lawful requests related to specific client case material.

Data and Case Material Secure Handling

OnyxSpear, LLC practices, maintains and adheres to a strict policy of data, information, intelligence and materials security and management. OnyxSpear, LLC utilizes FIPS 140-2 Level 3 encryption technology in securing all electronic, digital and/or computerized data, information, intelligence and materials, following single user access protocols and secure physical storage best practices. All electronic, digital and/or computerized materials are stored separately, following daily removal from externally connected computers and networks. All paper files, records and documents are stored inside a fire/water proof safe within our secured facility.

Confidentiality, Rights and Secure Data Management

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