Professional Legal Investigators
Professional legal investigators play an essential role in both criminal and civil legal proceedings. Legal investigators gather, analyze, and prepare materials for use in court by lawyers. Core responsibilities include locating and interviewing witnesses, obtaining written and recorded statements, conducting scene investigations, collecting evidence, procuring police reports, understanding chain of custody, documentation via photography and videography. Additionally, legal investigators must know how to navigate the Consolidated Laws of New York regarding both Civil Practice Law and Rules (CPLR) and Penal Law (PEN). The overarching goal is to lessen the burden carried by legal counsel.
Legal investigators are fact finders.
The Director of Investigations for OnyxSpear, is certified as a Legal Principles Claims Specialist (LPCS), by the American Educational Institute (AEI). Additionally, he held a New York State Independent Adjusters License for Auto Damage and Theft Appraisals for 14 years. Supplemental training and experience includes arson investigation, larceny investigation, forged instrument investigation, bodily injury investigation, interviewing and interrogation.
Understanding People
Understanding people is a skill. Achieving mastery of this skill involves long-term exposure to and interaction with people from every level of society. Professional legal investigators cultivate interpersonal relationships by challenging their assumptions, embracing curiosity, accepting diverse perspectives, and realizing that patience is a virtue that yields fruit.
Criminal Investigations
OnyxSpear offers criminal investigation services to defendants facing criminal charges. Our experience in criminal investigations is grounded in special investigations (insurance fraud), and private sector physical security operations, and enforcement. Consequently, we are skilled in reviewing and understanding accusatory instruments, NYS Penal Law, physical evidence analysis, statement acquisition, witness interviews, police report analysis, chain of custody review, criminal procedure review, surveillance footage analysis, scene canvassing, and evidence collection.
Partnering with Defense Counsel
We operate seamlessly with defense counsel. Our investigative efforts may lend to a positive legal outcome. Having the expertise of a professional and skilled investigator, acting on your behalf, can be reassuring.
Civil Investigations
Investigative actions involving civil matters may involve contracts, property, family relations and acts or omissions resulting in personal injury or physical damages. Even so, there are instances where the involved parties can reach an amicable settlement without litigation or third-party help. Conversely, some matters require litigation. The plaintiff is the party that brings the lawsuit and alleges damages to their property or injury to their person. The defendant is the alleged wrongdoer, responsible for the damages.
Civil litigation requires submission of proofs and evidence. This may include witnesses, physical evidence, video-graphic or photographic evidence, itemized damages, police reports, medical reports, cell phone or computer records and any other relevant case materials. Our firm is experienced in civil litigation investigations. Moreover, we are practiced in giving court testimony supporting investigative documentation. Due diligence is a non-negotiable principle in our pursuit of evidence, witnesses, statements and proofs relevant to litigation.
Litigation Support
Our Information & Intelligence Research Service offers added benefits in litigation proceedings. Accordingly, we can augment litigation matters by reviewing supporting documents with impartiality. Furthermore, our legal experience includes testimony preparation, document preparation, statement and document analysis, evidence and chain of custody analysis, strategy preparation and fact checking capabilities.
Whether you are the claimant or the defendant, utilizing OnyxSpear’s experience in criminal and civil matters is logical and beneficial.