Advice On Selecting The Right Private Investigator
Advice On Selecting The Right Private Investigator
Selecting the right private investigator can be confusing and even difficult. As of April 2024, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that over 1,500 licensed private investigators were working in New York State. Between 25 and 35 percent work as far West as Jamestown, as far East as Albany, and as far South as Binghamton. Everything southeast of Binghamton, down to New York City and Long Island, accounts for the largest number of private investigators. As a side note, or should this question come up in a game of Trivial Pursuit, New State licensed private investigators rank #3 nationwide with an annual mean wage of $71,560. Unbelievably, Washington State and Oregon rank #1 and #2, respectively.
So, how do you select the right private investigator?
Step One
Ask yourself why you need the professional services of a private investigator. If you suspect your boyfriend or girlfriend of cheating, and you want them surveilled or digitally profiled, stop reading and save your money. Reasonable scenarios for hiring a private investigator include, but are not limited to, theft (larceny), a missing person, suspected elder abuse, corporate misconduct and theft, alleged child abuse, arson investigations, background checks, and criminal and civil legal investigations.
Step Two
Search but verify. Google is everyone’s go-to when looking for professional services. Customer reviews are helpful, but also unreliable. Take the time to read the private investigator’s website. You can learn a lot by doing so. Finally, all NYS licensed private investigators, or companies can be verified using one of two links.
For a person;
For a business;
When searching either link and “No records were found. Please refine your search” appears, review your spelling, and try again. After three failed attempts, call the NYS Division of Licensing Service at (518) 474-4429 for help. The license may have been revoked, is being reviewed for renewal, NYS fell behind, or the license was relinquished. Additionally, you can call the NYS Consumer Protection Agency to determine if any complaints have been filed. (800) 697-1220
Step Three
Pick up the phone and call the private investigator. Tell them about your concerns because it’s never just one concern. So, be honest. Trust me, experienced private investigators have seen and heard it all before. Ask the private investigator if they can help you. What’s the upfront retainer for starting the investigation? How would the investigation move step by step? What are possible case outcomes? Will a contract for professional services be presented? Moreover, during the phone call with a private investigator, pay attention to the following:
*Are they actively listening to you? Are they asking questions while you talk? Or, do they let you go on for 15 minutes without asking you questions? Are they helping to calm you and guide the conversation, or do they let you speed talk? Good private investigators will ask for clarifications, specifics, or additional information within three minutes from the start of the conversation. This means they’re paying attention.
*As a potential client, your concerns are VALID. Otherwise, why would you call? When a potential client reaches out to me, or my company for help, I make the time to listen, better understand, and engage with them. My shortest client phone call stands at 45 minutes. In contrast to my longest at three hours. Listening costs me nothing. And, just maybe, I can help resolve someone’s concerns at that time. For reasons of transparency, potential corporate clients will be charged a consultation fee.
*Ask the private investigator about their education, professional experience, field experience, training, certifications etc. All of which are provable, usually on paper.
Step Four
If you’re happy with the phone consultation and want to move forward, meeting with the private investigator is the next step. You will be asked to provide a confidential recorded statement that details the reason for the investigation, sign the professional service contract and non-disclosure agreement, and pay the agreed retainer fee. A seasoned private investigator will give you a copy of their NYS licensing document, a business card with their NYS license number on it, and show you their NYS private investigator’s identification card. Don’t walk away from the meeting without an agreed-upon plan of action, as well as a schedule for providing you both verbal and written updates.
Why Choose My Company?
OnyxSpear, LLC, operates as a Special Investigations Service as well as an Information and Intelligence research firm. New York State has licensed our company to “transact business as a private investigator.” However, I prefer the term “Special Investigator” to private investigator. OnyxSpear operates as an investigation service, integrating modern technology with asymmetrical thinking. Whether it’s “B2B” or individualized services, partnering with OnyxSpear, LLC, will yield beneficial and tangible results. We are a new breed of investigators.
Meticulous Review of Case Merits
In the event your case lacks certain criteria, the investigator should be forthcoming in explaining the reasons why they cannot take your case. False promises or misrepresentation of outcomes should never occur.
Confidentiality & Privacy
A subpoena or warrant is the only means by which a party, outside of the contract, may legally obtain a client file or information related to a case. Follow our link regarding confidentiality and privacy.
OnyxSpear employs both active measures and countermeasures to protect our client’s data and information.